The Weaving of Stories

Tea with my Jordanian friend in Auckland

Tea with my Jordanian friend in Auckland

Last sunday I learned how to make a woven cross out of flax (the locally comparable material to palm leaves). I thought back to last year celebrating Palm Sunday in the desert and then Easter in Jerusalem. It reminded me of the ways the Lord weaves elements into our lives and He can even weave different cultures that otherwise don't seem to go together, together.

The first week I was in New Zealand, while on the hunt for some coffee beans, I stumbled upon a Jordanian restaurant! My heart leaped within me and it even brought tears to my eyes because I miss my people so much.

I returned to the restaurant several nights ago with Jona and after our meal I stepped back to the kitchen to greet the owners in their native tongue. This of course lead to great joy for both parties as well as the sharing of stories in Arabic over traditional Jordanian tea with mint. My new friend is originally from Palestine, and her family now lives in Amman as well as in New Jersey! 

This woman of peace told me about some of her friends in the community, including a Syrian woman she wanted me to meet! And so began the Lord's answer to my prayer asking Him to connect me with Arabs in this community. You can't make this stuff up!

The other part of this amazing connection was the fact that I almost didn't go to the restaurant, as I have been experiencing something like PTSD effects from the past season. At times I get overwhelmed by emotions or triggered by something and it stops me in my tracks. Though a unique challenge that I need help working through, my experience also allows me to understand a bit more what my refugee brothers and sisters face. I am thankful for an invitation to co-suffer in a small way and to intercede from this place of brokenness, knowing that in Christ, it always leads to resurrection!