God is the healing of the nations

We moved to the Taranaki region in 2020, just after New Zealand’s nationwide lockdown. This is a region with a long history of maemae (pain) due to systemic injustice and it is also a region overdue for a beautiful season of reconciliation and hope and wholeness. This is what we believe for and work towards!

Currently our focus is in our community serving the “least” and ministering through family. In pioneer stage this looks like getting to know our neighbours and their needs, ongoing relationship & support of a transition youth home and the spiritual life there, casting vision and taking baby steps towards building spaces of worship (Caitlin), and through broadening our skill sets in the community law world (Jonathan).

We can’t do it alone!

1. Click to give monthly or a single gift: Secure Online Giving → 

2. To give by check, send check made out to "Modern Day" to: Modern Day, P.O. Box 535578, Grand Prairie, TX 75053, with my name on a separate note!

3. If you live in New Zealand, here’s our bank info: KiwiBank: 38-9023-0265600-00